
I am a passionate designer with a strong interest and ability to develop innovative solutions in response to challenging open-ended problems. I recently completed my MA/Msc in Global Innovation Design at the Royal College of Art and Imperial College London, where my work largely focused on designing out the concept of waste within complex systems and accelerating the circular economy.

I enjoy collaborating within interdisciplinary groups, connecting diverse stakeholder groups, and exploring emerging technologies. Ultimately, I aim to combine my multidisciplinary background, human-centred design skills, and passion for the environment to deliver sustainable solutions that promote a regenerative future.

I also work as an interior and architectural designer, where I focused of human’s innate need for indoor spaces and third places that promote our wellbeing.

Outside of work you will usually find me in the mountains or the desert - running, biking, rafting, skiing, or snapping film on my rangefinder.

We design our world regardless of whether we realise it or not and I believe that it’s about time we start designing a world that will still be here for generations to come.



