
Enhancing pro-social connections on social media while increasing awareness of negative use.

Rainbow was built off of research into the positive and negative roles that social network platforms play in adolescent development. In recognising that active engagement with peers online can emulate offline relationships and enhance them, whereas passive use and extended time spent on social media can lead to a decline in well-being, we developed Rainbow. Rainbow is currently developed as a software development kit that can be integrated into any existing social network platform to promote the best interests of adolescents and improve the quality of their relationships. However, Rainbow has a plan to be implemented as an independent application that operates in conjunction with a social media campaign as detailed in our roadmap to implementation. 

In collaboration with Elira Duro, Kevin Lee, and Christa Leask.

IDEO x Riot Games Designing for Digital Thriving Finalist

We worked closely with the UK’s Information Council Office and their data policy to advance the widespread implementation of policy protecting youth. The design was reviewed by the council and will be used to present the real-world application of the laws.


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